This. Me.


DCFC has always been a favourite band of mine. 

But this song - "I'll possess your heart" is the most cutting of all. It's sharp but extremely subtle. Ignoring the stalker-ish-ness of the singer, I relate to this traveler in the video- a lot. 
When I went to Seoul, one day I woke up really early morning around at 4:00 am. I made coffee in the coffee-machine in the hotel room at Gangnam, sat on the window pane, opened my playlist on my comp, overlooking the posh cityscape, listening to music, sipping coffee and only to realize that my window faced the east side where the sun rose. 

As the orange fringes started appearing, cutting through billboards and tall steel structures, this song began in the background, catching pace. I cannot express the sheer joy I experienced in that moment- the calm, the morbid pleasure in it all. 
If this particular moment from 4 years ago is so vivid for me, you must understand how significantly this has impacted me! 

Do yourself a favour- wake up early morning, as the sun comes up, keep this song in the background and take a deep breath!


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